Extract - Simple
Brewing with
malt extract
is the typical entry point for beginning homebrewers, as it generally
requires the least amount of space, time, and equipment.
While some insist that extract brewing gives you less control over certain
aspects of your beer, the number of award-winning extract recipes
illustrates that brewing with malt extract can yield fantastic results.
Extract w/ Steeped Grains - Simple
Brewing with
specialty steeping grains
in addition to malt extract can give the brewer more control over
color, flavor, and fermentable sugars.
Partial/Mini-Mash - Intermediate
Partial, or mini-mashing, is a marriage of Extract and
All Grain brewing. A small amount of grain is
to obtain fermentable sugars, and malt extract is used to provide the
remainder of the fermentables.
All Grain - Intermediate/Advanced
All Grain brewing is a process in which a brewer creates wort from crushed
grain through a process known as